Nowadays the word “stress” ought to be mentioned in as little as possible. We have the latest gadgets and technology which should improve our ability to cope with our daily job, different tasks and save time. Unfortunately ... Somehow, as technology progresses, more and more people (even teenagers) feel stress. As much as I remember, my first great stress was during the ninth grade exams. And yes, I remember that terrible week very well and I often have nightmares about it. But it was 25 years ago. What has changed in these days? We ought to have more free time, because many inventions were created to save our time. However, we have less time; more and more work needs to be done, less time to rest, spend time with out families. I can perfectly understand when a person burns out at his work. Strangely enough, stress is not always related to our never-ending work, problems in our family, and other issues. It turns out that magnesium deficiency can also cause stress and other disorders of the nervous system, such as insomnia, depression, nervousness, and headaches.


Magnesium is one of the most important elements that is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions in our body. Without magnesium, we would not have enough energy, our bodies would be in constant seizures, and our body would not even be able to regulate cholesterol absorption. In case of magnesium deficiency in the body, you will not only suffer from muscle cramps or unexpected eyelid twitching. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include depression, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, cardiac problems or fatigue. Of course, there may be only a few or one of the symptoms, but you should pay attention when such things start happening.


Stress is also one of the symptoms of a deficiency of magnesium and it is special because of one unique characteristic. Magnesium gives the body resistance to stressful situations - we respond to stress without much pain and anxiety. When we have magnesium deficiency, our resistance to stress gets weaker, we get nervous more often, it seems that every little detail drives us mad. Clinical trials showed that physical or mental stress reduces the amount of magnesium in the body, which means that the consequence causes the cause. We get into a closed circle - lack of magnesium causes stress which causes us to lose even more magnesium. In case of chronic, permanent stress, our physical and mental health starts worsening and may lead to serious health disorders. When using more magnesium products or magnesium supplements, our nervous system becomes more resistant to stress and magnesium levels are reduced not so rapidly. What products are rich in magnesium? Spinach, almond nuts, pumpkin seeds, black chocolate, bananas, brown rice, avocado fruit, yogurt are rich in magnesium element. If these products are difficult to buy - use magnesium supplements, just keep in mind that magnesium is not absorbed so quickly, it may take several months until you feel the difference. If absorption through stomach is problematic, you can buy magnesium oil and apply it on the skin. You can also buy magnesium salt in pharmacies, which is really inexpensive and make small magnesium baths to apply on legs. The absorption of magnesium through the skin happens much faster than through the intestine, and it's not so expensive.


The absorption of magnesium depends on several factors, mostly age, drug usage, illnesses, lifestyle (alcohol usage). For example, absorption is more difficult for older people, various diseases (Crohn's disease), usage of medicine can also prevent cells from getting enough of magnesium. Excessive consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol encourages the excretion of magnesium and other minerals from the body, and therefore the use of supplements may not provide the desired effect. It is advisable to change your habits that are directly related to magnesium deficiency, or at least try to consume the least amount of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.